Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A rare shot...

I was pleasantly surprised to get a candid and genuine smile from Anders and Ethan as they talked with Evangelist Max Alderman after the service tonight. They were telling him how they dress like this (suits, vests, ties) even at their public schools. Its their own personal "dress code" to be dressed up. (YAY, I say! Down with T-shirts in schools!)

Aren't they handsome with their candid smiles? CUTE!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Oh, What a Beautiful Morning!

WOW... as we drove to church this morning, the sun was coming up behind us. Hubby pulled the car over so I could grab a few shots. I just thought I should clue in you folks that did not know the sun rises gradually, that you missed quite a show!

Doesn't GOD paint some great sky photos?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pearl's Girls

My beautiful Mother-in-law, Pearl, had only one son and no daughters. She never knew my daughters and grandchildren because she died when hubby was sixteen years old.

Often we would see glimpses of her in their looks, but never so much as when they dressed up for Old Fashion Day and Talent night in 2008.

The few papers were from Scrap Girls. You can see the online version with the supplies credited in my gallery there.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My DAD... a sweet memory!

My dad was a fun loving, and many times irresponsible, kind of guy!

Recently I was remembering that his shirt preference was blue plaid and I decided to scrap a memory of him. I have very few photos of him; fewer still smiling (his laugh was contagious!); fewer still of his memorable plaid shirts!

Here is the online version at my Scrap Girls gallery. DAD

I used this Scrap Girl kit: Well Loved

Monday, January 18, 2010

David's Birthday party... early

Invited to David's 11th birthday party at the local pizzeria, I decided to try out my new Christmas gift: Canon Rebel XS. I still didn't know how to focus, so these are a few pics that miraculously were okay.

David's birthday is actually next weekend, but due to family work schedules this weekend worked better for his get together.

COUSINS THREE: David -11, Kenny - 11 , Joe -12

Dustin and Joy's boys: Gordy, 19; Anders (front) 16
and Ethan, 15 -"ish" (next month)

Alice and Grace arrived shortly after ordering.
(sorry, Grace... caught you napping!)

Given money for video games, Joe and Kenny
decided they wanted to ride the carousel instead! Interesting!

Joe, 12, and Hope, 9, rode the kiddie rides too.

David and his dad enjoyed the pizza... again! They eat this often!

Paused and posed between gifts opened...
a rare smile for the Gramma-razzi.

Caught playing his new DS while the others played video games!
We think he already picked a fav... although 2 new volumes of his current favorite book series was duly noted!

Grace, 16 and Pearl, 15, came back to the restaurant in costume!
Ooh, bandito cousins!

Mean Hombres... um hombrettes?

It was a fun outing... glad I could go along for the fun... and the photos! YAY!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Montana memory scrap page

After an online class this week, I developed this page from our trip to Montana last August.

That was fun to join in the fun at Scrap Girls, in their new teaching suites!

I used this Scrap Girl kit to complete the page.

(This scrap page was featured the week of Jan 31 in Scrap Girls Newsletter)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Revival in JANUARY!

There is something NEW going on at our church this month... a Revival!

No, not just "meetings"... sure enough, our church WANTS and NEEDS old fashioned revival. Meet Bro Max Alderman from Statesboro GA... a country gentleman.

"If MY people..." Are you HIS? Please come! Be a blessing, and GET a blessing!
REFRESHMENTS to be served Monday-Wednesday PRIOR TO THE MEETING...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A new day dawning...

Last night was one of the saddest days for us in a long time. One of our church's young men passed away suddenly. A father of two teens, he loved and cared for them with all his life! He worked two jobs to provide a home for them. We saw him in church on Sunday and he was laughing with his friends and family.

Today as I walked through my foyer at home, I noticed a pink and rosy glow coming through the windows. I stepped outside to the most beautiful sunrise I have seen for many months!

As I went back for my camera, I thought of sweet Lonnie West, now walking on streets of gold and seeing a BRAND NEW DAY in heaven with his Savior!

This too shall pass... please pray for his dear children who no longer have their loving daddy. We hope they will look to their heavenly Father in the future!

Sunrise from my porch January 7, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

a Treasure found today...

Joyce's first job: McD drive-up

I found this today while looking for a photo for a page I am scrapping. Too cute!